College Rounds

BT1042 U of South Dakota
4 dia x

BT1043 South Dakota State U
4 dia x

BT131 Alabama
4 dia x

BT132 Auburn
4 dia x

BT153 Notre Dame
4 dia x

BT155 U of Georgia
4 x 4

BT162 Duke Chapel
4 dia x

BT165 Ole Miss Lyceum
4 dia x

BT173 Penn State
4 dia x

BT174 U of Pittsburgh
4 dia x

BT179 Bell Tower NC State
4 dia x

BT180 Old Well House UNC
4 dia x

BT184A U of Richmond
4 dia x

BT189 Villanova
4 dia x

BT190 U of Rochester
4 dia x

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