CM475S Duke w Blue Devil 4 x 4
CM475T U of the Pacific w Tiger 4 x 4
CM475U William & Mary w Eagle 4 x 4
CM475V Connecticut w Camel 4 x 4
CM475W Fairfield w Stag 4 x 4
CM475X Oklahoma St w Cowboy 4 x 4
CM475Y Elon w Phoenix 4 x 4
CM475Z US Merchant Marine Acad w Anchor 4 x 4
CM476A U of Florida w Gator 4 x 4
CM476B Iowa State w Cy the Cyclone 4 x 4
CM476C U of Maryland w Terrapin 4 x 4
CM476D UNC w Ram 4 x 4
CM476E Trinity College w Bantam 4 x 4
CM476H VA Commonwealth w Ram 4 x 4
CM476J UTD w Comet 4 x 4