Colleges and Teams

BG118 Ohio State Stadium
8 x 7.5

BG118A CO1045-1051
3.5 x 1.5

BG122 UNC Stadium
8 x 7.5

BG122A UNC Figures CO2015-2021
3.5 x 1.5

BG123 U of Michigan Stadium
8 x 7.5

BG123A U of M Figures CO2022-2028
3.5 x 1.5

BG124 U of Alabama Stadium
8 x 7.5

BG124A Alabama FiguresCO1094-2000
3.5 x 1.5

BG125 Auburn U Stadium
8 x 7.5

BG125A Auburn U Figures CO2001-2007
3.5 x 1.5

BG126 U of Georgia Stadium
8 x 7.5

BG126A U of Georgia Figures CO2036-2042
3.5 x 1.5

BG127 Georgia Tech Stadium
8 x 7.5

BG127A Georgia Tech Figures CO2064-2070
3.5 x 1.5

BG128 U of Texas Stadium
8 x 7.5

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