BT261 U of Washington 4 dia x
BT262A Northeastern 4 dia x
BT264 Xavier 4 dia x
BT265 Texas A&M 4 dia x
BT266 Chapman U, AZ 4 dia x
BT267 Drexel 4 dia x
BT268 Carnegie Mellon 4 dia x
BT269 House Divided 4 dia x
BT269A OSU and Ohio U 4 dia x
BT269B U of Texas and Oklahoma U 4 dia x
BT269C U of Texas and A&M 4 dia x
BT269D Georgia and Georgia Tech 4 dia x
BT269E OSU and U of Michigan 4 dia x
BT269E OSU and UM 4 dia x
BT269F Cubs and Cardinals 4 dis x