4 dia x BT1042 U of South Dakota
 4 dia x BT1043 South Dakota State U
 4 x 4 CM294C Scottie and Westie
 4 x 4 CM477Q NYU w Wildcat
 4 x 4 CM477S Mizzou w Tiger
 4 x 4 CM477U UCLA w Bruin
 4 x 4 CM477V The Citadel w Cadet
 4 x 4 CM477W U of Michigan w Wolverine
 4 x 4 CM658 Book Lovers w Bookworm
 3 x 5 CO176B First Communion Boy
 4 x 4 CO203 Merry Christmas Dots Red
 4 x 4 CO204 Merry Christmas Stars Green
 4 x 4 CO205 Merry Christmas Stars Blue
 4 x 4 CO206 Merry Christmas Dots White
 4 x 4 CO207 Holly Bauble